¿Por Qué Hay Baba En Este Maíz? El Experimento Salado

Aproximadamente la mitad de las tierras de cultivo del mundo sufren estrés salino. Encontrar formas de mejorar el rendimiento de los cultivos es de gran importancia. El uso de bacterias que producen biopelículas para proteger las plantas en condiciones adversas puede ser una solución sostenible.

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The Soil Seed Bank: Plant Communities’ Secret Weapon

Plant communities have a secret survival tool buried underground: the soil seed bank. When the environment changes, the seed bank helps buffer the plant community against those changes. But what if the seed bank can’t survive the environmental changes either? Scientists explore a wetland to learn more about the secretive soil seed bank.

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The Fight for Fish Food: Invasive Armored Catfish vs. Native Fishes

Aquariums are beloved by many. Enthusiasts enjoy nurturing and viewing aquariums full of beautiful and unique fish from around the world. However, the aquarium trade contributes to lots of introductions of fish to ecosystems in which they are non-native. What does this mean for these ecosystems?

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