Navigating the Seas of Change: The Divergent Impact of Ocean Acidification and Warming on Marine Trophic Levels

Ocean acidification and warming are profoundly altering marine ecosystems, impacting organisms from the bottom to the top of the food chain. Trophic levels—ranging from primary producers to apex predators—illustrate the complex web of energy transfer within these systems. In response, a team of scientists conducted a comprehensive meta-analysis to better understand how ocean acidification and warming would affect different marine trophic levels. Amidst these changing environments, understanding these energy dynamics becomes essential for devising effective conservation strategies.

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How Can We Protect Salmon from Climate Warming? It Depends on the River

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) are sensitive to changes in temperature. To survive, salmon must be adaptable, particularly in a warming and increasingly unpredictable climate. However, little is known about how this culturally valuable fish responds to dramatic changes in temperature.

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The Clock is TICKing – Tick attachment may increase under climate change

Ticks are risk-takers facing a daily dilemma: stay near the damp soil or climb the grass to find a host. Choosing one means losing access to the other. Ticks use weather conditions to inform whether to climb or stay put, but climate change may alter their behavior. Life or death for the tick has huge implications for human and animal health since ticks can transfer diseases with their bite. Click the tick to find out how hotter, more humid days will affect tick behavior.

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Giving Them a Fighting Chance: How To Save Insects from Climate Change

Insects, as small as they are, are even more important than you may think. Sadly, climate change and warming are slowly depleting insect populations as our urban spaces grow and the use of pesticides in rural areas increases. Actions like planting native plants and decreasing the concentration of concrete-sealed spaces could help create a world where insects are more resilient to the changing environment.

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