Navigating the Seas of Change: The Divergent Impact of Ocean Acidification and Warming on Marine Trophic Levels

Ocean acidification and warming are profoundly altering marine ecosystems, impacting organisms from the bottom to the top of the food chain. Trophic levels—ranging from primary producers to apex predators—illustrate the complex web of energy transfer within these systems. In response, a team of scientists conducted a comprehensive meta-analysis to better understand how ocean acidification and warming would affect different marine trophic levels. Amidst these changing environments, understanding these energy dynamics becomes essential for devising effective conservation strategies.

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Prickly Adaptability: Will Crown-of-Thorn Starfish Populations Survive Rising Ocean Temperature and Acidity?

Crown-of-Thorns starfish outbreaks are of growing concern for the wellbeing of Indo-Pacific coral reefs. When these starfish populations grow too quickly, they feed on corals at rates that don’t allow the ecosystem to recover fast enough. With coral reefs struggling to survive rising ocean temperatures and acidity, it is essential to determine how these conditions affect their predators – in this case, the Crown-of-Thorn starfish. A recent study found that ocean warming and acidification affect larval development but not survivability. Could this mean bad news for coral reefs?

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